Presentation OnePlus X tomorrow!

Today, we hasten to inform the latest unofficial rumors about the smartphone Moto X - the next generation of LG Nexus 4. A lot of noise and dust done this gadget from Motorola and tomorrow it will be officially presented. It was August 1st all the rumors will be confirmed or refuted ...

Incidentally, the marketing campaign for the promotion of the smartphone, Google will spend $ 500 million. We also offer a closer view the image "right" smartphone Moto X, and briefly analyze it, judging appearance.
Moto X - tomorrow presentation
As you can see from the photo, on the back of the chassis manufacturer's logo posted smartphone - Motorola. On the right, relative to the camera with LED flash, integrated speaker.
Презентация OnePlus X завтра!

Employee Resource popular Android and Me (Timothy Timberli) reported that the front part of the body Moto X will be fully protected by glass Magic Glass. This coating is a new modification of the Gorilla Glass. Furthermore, this glass will cover not only the display devices but also the side faces. Thus, such a maneuver would make the cabinet like without joints (monolith).

As for the back of the case, it must be made of aluminum. This in turn will increase the strength and a decrease in body weight.

Presumably, the new Moto X will cost less money in relation to the predecessor LG Nexus 4. Price Moto X in the US market is $ 299 for 16 GB. model. To buy a device with 32 GB. built-in memory will have to add another $ 50. Prices are for free distribution and do not carry an obligation for operators in the form of contracts.