In YouTube adds support for 360-degree translations

Virtual reality is becoming more popular, and at the same time gaining in popularity and the camera allows you to record 360-degree video. Even last year, there was a support spherical videos that users can watch via VR-set in the YouTube service. Today Google announced that YouTube now supports 360-degree surround sound and broadcast. This means that the sound will vary depending on which way the user turns on the sound source.

Google has partnered with companies VideoStitch and Two Big Ears, to improve the performance of 360-degree surround sound broadcasts and on YouTube. The search giant's blog states that in the near future more and more companies will support these functions. Besides, soon all over the world will stand camera that can broadcast a YouTube video in the new format.

the user can determine that the sound comes not only from the left or right side, but also from the front or rear The support surround sound. For maximum immersion is recommended to watch these videos on headphones.

To demonstrate the new work, Google will set up a little playlist on YouTube compilation video.