Samsung introduced the flagman processor Exynos 9820

Yesterday, as planned, Samsung held a presentation on which the new Exynos 9820 was shown. Switching technology from 10-nm to 8-nm provided a 15% performance increase in multi-core mode, and in single-core growth it became even more noticeable - 20%. Moreover, the power consumption of the processor has significantly decreased. According to the company, the new processor requires 10 percent less energy.
The processor architecture presents the following picture: four low-power Cortex-A55 cores for simple tasks, two Cortex-A75 for more complex calculations, and a pair of fourth-generation cores of proprietary development for complex tasks.
The image processing processor makes it possible to easily integrate 5 cameras into the mobile device at the same time, and among them there may be an infrared scanning face. Exynos 9820 allows you to use 4K-displays and shoot in 4K resolution, making 120 frames per second.
Mass production of chips will begin in December, and in February, Samsung announces the Galaxy S10, which runs on a new processor.