iPhone 11 is recognized as the most popular smartphone

In the third quarter of this year the most popular and in demand among smartphone buyers was iPhone 11. This information is contained in the next report of analysts of the famous company Canalys. The whole struggle unfolded between mobile devices of three brands: Samsung, Apple and Xiaomi.

With a huge margin of leadership in the category won the iPhone 11. A year ago, the smartphone bought 16 million times, which is almost 5 million more than the result shown by another brainchild of the American company - the model iPhone SE. The third place with a slight lag went to the Galaxy A21s.

In general, in the top 10 popular smartphones exactly half came out of the conveyors of South Korean Samsung, this is in addition to the above Galaxy A21s and going to the fourth place Galaxy A11, the fifth - Galaxy A51, the eighth - Galaxy A31 and the closing rating of low-cost Galaxy A01 Core.

For Xiaomi three positions in the ranking: the sixth is Redmi Note 9, one step below, and his colleague 9A took ninth position.