The Chinese government has imposed restrictions on the use of TikTok for children under 14

No more than 40 minutes should be a daily session in TikTok for children under 14 years, according to Chinese lawmakers. On the eve of the government of the Celestial Empire introduced a strict restriction on the use of the popular network.

After limiting the time for online games Chinese teenagers have been significantly reduced time spent in TikTok. To use the network will be allowed only 40 minutes in the period from 6 am to 10 pm. But there is a "but" - a special "children's" mode is automatically activated only for those users who have entered real information about the name and age. Thus, children who indicated a more mature age will be able to use TikTok unlimitedly.

By the way, according to official statistics, the number of users of the app under the age of 12 is less than half a percent, and in the 13-19 age range - just over four percent.