OPPO and Xiaomi develop flexible smartphones

It seems that the main trend in 2019 will be a flexible smartphone. It is already known that by the spring they will present their proprietary developments of Huawei and Samsung. But it's so easy to give the palm tree the superiority of other manufacturers do not want.

It became known that along the way of creating flexible smartphones went two more Chinese manufacturers: OPPO and Xiaomi. According to rumors, in contrast to the flex-bending inside of the South Korean flexible smartphone, Xiaomi developers will make an outwardly bent shell. If you believe the insider information, the cost of a flexible smartphone from Xiaomi will be about 2 thousand dollars, that is, $ 150 more expensive than the Galaxy F.
Details of the future novelty from OPPO are not reported, but it is known that the work in the laboratory is being conducted in an enhanced mode.