Google is preparing to launch a proprietary streaming service

A week later, the release of the paid version of the game streaming service Google Stadia. For $ 10 a month, users can get unlimited access to a free library of more than two dozen games. According to Google, the service will offer a minimum delay in streaming and resolution of 4K HDR images with 60 fps, but the smoothness of the game process will be largely limited by the characteristics of specific devices and the speed of the Internet.
The Google Stadia application itself is already available for download on the Google Play store, but it will not be available until November 19. In the meantime, you can get acquainted with the functionality of the client, which will contain two sections: “Shop” and “Overview”.
At the beginning of next year, a free version of the streaming service will be released. True, in case of its use, a fee for each game will be charged, in addition, the picture resolution will not be 4K HDR, but Full HD.