Nokia is working on the idea of ​​creating an inexpensive smartphone with a 5G modem

Just a little more and 5G networks will be distributed everywhere, making it possible to take full advantage of high-speed communications. Unfortunately, at the moment not many smartphones have 5G modems, and those that have are quite expensive. However, soon everything can change - the director of Nokia announced the work on a proprietary smartphone with support for the 5G network.
The main advantage of a mobile device from Nokia will be a low price. So, if the minimum cost of current smartphones with support for next-generation networks is $ 600, then a Nokia smartphone can be bought for $ 300.
“I’m sure that most potential buyers would like to buy a smartphone with a 5G modem twice as cheaper than our competitors are asking for them,” said Juho Sarvikas.
The announcement of the device is expected early next year.