Huawei will finally abandon Google services

One of the world leaders in the production of smartphones and software, Huawei has long waged a war with the US government. The Chinese company is now forbidden to cooperate with American colleagues, and the development of US companies cannot be used in Huawei devices, including Google services and the Android operating system.
Tired of making compromises and encountering problems, the Huawei leadership decided to stop working with Google and go their own way. Currently, in the Huawei App Gallery store, you can download more than a million applications, most of which, of course, are designed for owners of gadgets from the Middle Kingdom. Now the company plans to completely switch to branded services and popularize them outside of China. More than $ 4 billion has already been allocated for these purposes.
Ideally, the company wants to ensure that the software is suitable for both Google Play and Huawei Mobile at the same time. Moreover, Huawei is not even afraid of a possible decrease in revenue - just to achieve the goal and guarantee compatibility.