Android 11 will not have a 4 GB video recording capacity limit

For years Android did not allow apps to record video clips longer than 4 GB. Over time, cameras improved, increasing the "weight" of video files received, but the 4GB limit remained. About five years ago, there was persistent talk among users that it would be a good idea to remove the limit.

Today, it takes only 15 minutes to reach the 4GB limit when shooting a 4K video. The device then forcibly separates this video file and begins recording a new piece. Google representatives promised in late 2019 that they would try to solve this problem and it seems they have succeeded.

In the beta version of Android 11, the limit on the amount of video recording is no longer in force. However, at the moment, most applications are unable to save video clips larger than 4 GB, even the branded application of Google Camera. However, it is only a matter of time before developers switch to the ability to save such videos.