Huawei talked about the work on 200-watt fast charging

One of the characteristics that smartphone manufacturers compete with, in addition to the screen diagonal, number and quality of cameras and processor power is certainly the speed of battery charging. Not only is Huawei participating in this "race", but it is probably its leader, at least according to the manufacturer, the company's engineers are working on a 125-watt or even 200-watt charge.

Despite the fact that the development of the chargers is in full swing, the Chinese company is not yet going to apply the experience in practice, claiming that today is quite enough and 66-watt charger, which is used in particular in the new Mate40 Pro. Also, according to the company's representatives, it makes no sense to use a wireless charge that is more powerful than 50 W, as the growth of power can lead to instability of the process.