Huawei following Apple and Samsung plans to abandon the adapter

When the iPhone 12 came out without a charger in the package, it immediately became the subject of irony. Many manufacturers, not hiding their satisfaction, ironized about such a seemingly unpopular decision. However, it soon became known that the power supply unit, in all likelihood, will be deprived of the flagship line of smartphones Galaxy S21. The same step is going to take and Huawei, at least the other day about it wrote some insiders.
It is noted that the rumors have a very good reason, because on the page of the Chinese company in the social networking site appeared a survey, the purpose of which was to learn what users think about the need for USB Type-C cable in the package, combined with a wireless headset.

Huawei representatives have not yet commented on the rumors about the absence of the charger unit in future models, but analysts are almost certain that Apple's experience could soon be adopted by many manufacturers.