Users complain about the Android built-in alarm clock error

"Clock" is one of the most common programs on any smartphone. Many users blindly trust this app to wake them up for work. However, recent facts indicate that even this app cannot be completely trusted.

According to Android Authority, the problem with the alarm clock is not specific to any particular smartphone model, with complaints coming from owners of completely different brands of devices. The peak of user complaints occurred in the first half of the summer, but single reports occurred in the spring, and they can still be found today. This eloquently testifies to the seriousness of the problem.

At the moment when the app is supposed to notify users about the rise, for some it only vibrates, if not expresses its activity in any way. As a result, people miss important meetings, which causes problems at work, up to and including dismissal. It is hoped that the problem will be solved in the near future.